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About The Guild
The Independent Council of Churches of Christ
St. Elisabeth's Interfaith Episcopal Church

The Independent Council of Churches of Christ

Episcopal Free Communion



The following list contains Churches or Denominations having their own jurisdiction and diocesan structures, some with their own presiding bishops, but are considered as Provinces, the latter title being reserved to that of the Episcopal Free Communion itself.  Some may have their own canonical organization.  These Churches are named within the provinces.

Where there is no Denominational title it is assumed that the Provinces are not only those of the Episcopal Free Communion (a confederation or family of Churches) but are of the Episcopal Free Church, an independent Faith Church, and/or Interfaith and Independent Church and member of the Independent Council of Churches of Christ.  Some of these may also prefer to use the original title; being that of the Free Protestant Episcopal Church or the Free Protestant Episcopal Church of England.


Regardless of Denominational title, if listed herein, the are accounted for and within the Independent Council of Churches of Christ.


Church Fellowship and Structure:


Archbishop Primus

The Most Rev Richard Arthur Palmer - Archbishop Primus Emeritus - The Most Rev Edwin Duane Follick



Province of Burundi - The Most Rev Justin Baransananikiye

Province of Cameroon - The Most Rev Onana Come Mathurin

Province of Congo-Brazzaville -   Diocese of Pointe-noire –South

The Most Rev Euloge Valery Massamba

The Rt. Rev Guy Ulirich Banzouzi


Province of the Democratic Republic of Congo -  Diocese of Lumbumbashi - The Rev Père Umbe Wasecha

Apostolic Administrator

Province of Gabon - The Most Rev Bernardo Moutou

Archbishop-elect - Province of Kenya - The Most Rev Thomas Ombui

Archbishop-elect The Rt. Rev Kavuu Martin - Bishop-elect


Territories for Mission:


  Madagascar  - The Rev Delphin Thessaloniane Missionary

  Nigeria Mr. Godwin Elo Otue - Missionary

  Rwanda - The Rev Gatera John Dan Missionary

  Uganda -The Rt. Rev Kalanzi Jude –

  Bishop-elect - The Rev Charles Kukunda - Missionary

  Zambia The Rev Deacon Hainza - Missionary



Province of Canada - The Most Rev Matheus Tuz - The Rt. Rev Darrel Hockley

Province of Central – USA - The Rt. Rev John Bell - The Free Anglican Mission Society

Diocese & Province of East – USA - The Rt. Rev Frederick Morris – Bishop - St Elisabeth’s Interfaith Episcopal Church

Diocese & Province of Eastern District – USA - Rev John Albertson - St Elisabeth’s Interfaith Episcopal Church

Diocese & Province of Eastern District Bishops Council – USA - Rev James Pila - St Elisabeth’s Interfaith Episcopal Church

Province of North – USA - The Most Rev Brian Putzier - United Episcopal Catholic Communion

Diocese of St. Francis - The Rt. Rev Ashley Beckham - Anglican Apostolic Church

Diocese of St. George – UK - The Rt. Rev Robert Ponsford - Anglican Apostolic Church

Province of South – USA

The Progressive Episcopal Church

Diocese of Cumberland - The Most Rev Michael Sherbert

Diocese of Delta - The Rt. Rev Rick Ward-Harder - The Rt. Rev Daniel Varga

Diocese of The North East - The Rt. Rev Francesca Fortunato

Diocese of The West - The Rt. Rev Thurlow Weed

Province of South Central – USA - The Most Rev William Flint –

The Anglo-Methodist Ecclesia -The Rt. Rev Jordan Morgan & The Rt. Rev Lennard Panthier

Province of West Coast – USA - The Rt. Rev Edwin Duane Follick

The Rt. Rev Melvin Larson



Province of The Caribbean - The Rt. Rev Samuel Sostre Castillo - Bishop Emeritus

Province of Central America - The Most Rev Francisco Osorio - The Free World Anglican Episcopal Church



Province of Brazil - The Most Rev Lucas Macieira da Silva

The Province of Columbia - The Most Rev Jairo Vásquez Figueroa - Hands of God Anglican Catholic Episcopal Church

Province of Paraguay - The Rt. Rev Andrés Oscar Ayala

Province of Venezuela - The Most Rev Tito José Salas Becerra



Province of India - The Most Rev Rohan Nehamaiyah – St. Elisabeth’s Interfaith Episcopal Church

Episcopal Revival International Diocese The Rev Fr. Joy Ettuveettil Snehakoodu

Province of Pakistan - The Most Rev Emanuel Khokhar Archbishop-elect


The Philippines

The Rev Fr. Stephen Gallagher - St Michael & St Anthony Mission

The Rt. Rev”d Fancies James – Bishop – St. Elisabeth’s Interfaith Episcopal Church



R.r. Miroslav Brestovac - Missionary


Province of New Zealand

Rev. Sir William Lyle Morris St. Mary

Rt. Rev Holand Beacham – Bishop – St. Elisabeth’s Interfaith Episcopal Church



Province of Europe East The Most Rev Petar Petrović

Serbia - The Rev Fr. Jasmin Koso

Croatia - The Rev Fr. Valentinas Kulinic - Administrator – Lithuania


Province of Europe West

The Most Rev Muhammad Schmidt – Germany

Bishop Frederick Morris – St. Elisabeth’s Interfaith Episcopal Church – Furth-Linnenbach

Province of the United Kingdom, The Most Rev Richard Arthur Palmer - Ireland, Islands & British Territories

The Society of St Faith - Diocese of Italy - The Rev Fr. Guido Travaglioni



 Applying for Ordination & Ministry


The Ordained and Lay Ministries are open to men. Each province will have their own respective admission criteria based on the Constitution, and individual bishops will advise on selection and formation.


In the home province of the United Kingdom a basic requirement is for the attainment of a university degree in any subject. This provides evidence of a candidate's academic ability and capability for further study.


In countries where the availability of advanced education and learning is difficult to obtain, decisions on a candidate's suitability for Holy Orders may be locally decided.


Bishops and their advisers will ascertain how best to proceed in each individual case. Potential ordinands should have been baptized and confirmed in a Christian church.


Application for Ordination through the Independent Council of Churches of Christ, please complete the application form and forward to Bishop Frederick Morris for review and presentation to the Council of Bishops at


Application for Admission in the Independent Council of Churches of Christ, please complete the application form and forward to Bishop Frederick Morris for review and presentation to the Council of Bishops at Frederick


Application and processing fee for each application is $250.00 payable to: St. Elisabeth’s Interfaith Episcopal Church, 5596 Autumn Valley Dr. Memphis, TN 38135



St. Elisabeth's Interfaith Episcopal Church and St. Elisabeth’s Andrews Guild was founded in 2015 to help people who've left the church for a host of reasons, Veterans, the needy, those lost and searching, and hungry, in the greater Memphis area. We help feed 190 to 200 people every day in the Memphis Area. In the month of August, we assisted more than 5,500 individuals. Feeding those in need is a challenge we strive to achieve daily.



Your donation of $5.00 or more can help us feed those in need right here in Memphis.

St. Elisabeth's Interfaith Episcopal Church is dedicated to the service of others without the strings of big church politics that destroy faith, Grace, giving, forgiveness and charity. Our focus is the community, helping those in need, and providing prayer and spiritual comfort 24/7.  

One hundred percent of the funds we receive go to feed the hungry. We volunteer our time and money, no one is paid and we have no overhead or operating expenses. We provide prepared meals to anyone in need.

Our four major winter projects are:

1. Sock Drive for those in need

2. Canned goods

3. Dried Good Such as Rice, Beans, Oats, Flour

4. Baby blankets for area hospitals


Our current funding projects are:

1. Funded - Thank you
2. $500.00  Monthly – to purchase yarn from Hobby Lobby and Michael’s to make baby blankets for area hospitals maternity units. We teach Veterans and others to make the blankets.  The families take these blankets home from the hospital as a gift from Veterans. Many veterans have only the use of their hands, we teach them to crochet and sew, use their hands to help others.
3. $500.00  Monthly – to purchase aluminum pans and lids from Lit Jr., the purchase of large cans of vegetables, fresh vegetables, ham, beef, chicken, minute rice, to make meat loaf and other meat dishes that are difficult for Veterans and others living on the streets to acquire. 
4. Clothing Drive: - Homeless Veterans and those in need are greatly in need of men’s socks size 9-12, t-shirts-all sizes, men’s underwear any size, pullover shirts, pants sizes 29 to 44.  Please only donate washed and folded clothing.

Current  Volunteers Projects:
1.  Inkjet Recycling Project – We recycle all makes and models of inkjet and laser jet cartridges. From these funds we are able to purchase food to feed Veterans and those in Need in the Greater Memphis Area.  This is one of our major projects and best fund raisers, we welcome everyone to take part in this process.
A.   Logistics – Picking up large numbers of used inkjets and laser jets from donors and delivering them to our staging site (5596 Autumn Valley Dr.).
B.   Inventory inkjet donation by make and model number. Report quantities to project manager Deb Pelt 901-486-4340 or Mr. Morris at 901-409-8705. Volunteers will be given inventory sheets to record quantities.

2.   Box Recycling Project – boxes, paper packing and other items found inside the inkjet boxes are also recycled. Taken over to NSA (Navy base Millington) and disposed of in the dumpsters marked cardboard.
3.   Handmade baby blankets for area hospitals Project.
4.   We always need donations of yarn. Last year we made 980 blankets. White yarn is mostly needed.  We need people to find donations through family and friends and other contacts. Again we provide these blankets free to the hospitals. We do get some donations of yarn but we are always in need.


 If you know how to crochet then your set, come join the group every 2nd and 4th Friday of the month at 10:30 At the Bartlett Library meeting room.  If you specialize in sewing by hand or quilting, please feel free to come and sew with us, we also get donations of fabric for making baby blankets.
We deliver blankets to area hospitals once every month or so. The baby gets to take the blanket home with them when they leave the hospital.

5.  Donation Project – Each volunteer is asked to help raise funds whenever possible. We provide the Donation letter. The volunteer might place it in their office, school or church.  Once the funds are collected and turned into Andrews Guild, we will provide the donor with a letter of acknowledgement.

We are a 501c3 organization # 83-1336712

Donations should be made to:

St. Elisabeth's Interfaith Episcopal Church

7157 Summer Ave

Bartlett, TN 38133

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